Eat What You Love

LWell for starters: i need this bowl so I can have Oreos and frosted mini wheats for breakfast, lunch, & dinner. 🍪😉

I’m Cara Ann. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been crazy obsessed with health, nutrition, & fitness. Nothing’s wrong with that right? It’s good to be healthy and active! Am I right?


Notice the word: “obsessed.” This word is no bueno. Health, fitness, and nutrition consumed me and eventually the way I looked at my body.

I’ve taken health classes for a few years now. My major is “Public Health.” So it’s kind of required!

One afternoon, I so vividly remember sitting down with my counselor. The conversation went like this: “Hi! Just thought I’d pop in real quick to see which classes I should be taking next semester!” My counselor told me about this class called, “Body Image.” She told me about how AMAZING of a class it was and how “every single girl, all ages needs to take this class.”

Of course I thought, “not me! I want to take an actual health class! Sign me up for Nutrition 3200!” I told her thanks for the suggestion, I’d think about it.

I didn’t.

And I also didn’t sign up.

A couple semesters rolled around. I can not tell you why. Or how. But I some how found myself signed up for that Body Image class! Truly, I don’t know why I ended up taking it. Obviously the man upstairs had some doing behind it.

DAY 1, I’m in my Body Image class. Thinking it was going to be an easy & ‘cheesy class’ on ‘loving and accepting yourself.’

I was right.

But I was wrong. There’s SO MUCH MORE to having a postive body image that I ever thought was possible!

First off, my favorite thing I’ve ever learned in all my years of nutrition…..

“there’s no such thing as ‘good & bad’ foods.” A cookie is not bad. Doritos are not bad. Pizza is not bad. A donut is not bad. An apple is not good. A fat-free-sugar-free chip is not good. A salad is not good. I’ll explain a little bit more & expound later..

Often times, women of all ages (and men) body shame, and label themselves for eating something that they.. well they just love, crave, & want! Examples..

P.s.- these examples were me.

Example 1, “wow! I just had a salad today! And passed on the cookie! I’m so good!” And I go about my day with positive vibes!

Example 2, “A cookie. I want the cookie. I  really want the cookie. I. want. the. cookie.” *eats 3 cookies. ‘Ruins’ diet.* “I’m a failure. Try again Monday!” Then regret comes and I might eat another cookie, then more regret comes. Then whether it be the day, or moment, or second… there’s those negative vibes.


This is what I’ll be blogging about..

This was me, and I see and hear it in several women! (Other than my mom. I’ll get to that later though.)

Eat what you love! All will be well. It’s actually easier done than said & its a liberating feeling! Important: It’s not letting yourself go. That’s not what I’m saying. I’ll expound on my journey & the ‘how’ later.

Pretty much: I’ve done every diet in the book, and could put myself through school if I got a $1 for every “cleanse” I’ve tried.


To wrap things up: There’s this thing called ‘intuitive eating’ not mindful eating… But it’s kind of similar & it’s pretty life changing. I’ve become healthier in more areas of my life, as soon as I stopped trying to “loose weight” & trying to “be healthy.” Interestingly enough, I started loosing weight, through not trying to loose weight. That doesn’t matter. Although, it is proof that what I have learned about intuitive eating- works.

It’s lifestyle vs. diet.

I’ve learned a great deal, while taking this class, and reading this book called ‘Intuitive Eating.’As I have implemented the principles in my life, I have grown an urge to share. I thank my husband for his support and advice on starting this blog! 

I’ll probably be posting once a week, or so… on something neat I’ve learned from my class & my journey. So to my counselor who suggested to me, oh so long ago… “Yes. Every girl does.. & DID need this class.” & thanks 🙂