I Know A Peace I’ve Never Known.

“All I know is it feels like coming home. I feel like a child sitting at his feet listening to his stories. I feel a closeness to him like I’ve never known. I know a peace I’ve never known. I could cry tears of thanks all day.”

Just a few words from Sabrina… I can’t thank Heavenly Father enough for this experience. I feel very humbled to have this opportunity of meeting Sabrina at this time.

If you’re reading this, you probably know I have an Instagram account, @thehealthylifeisgood. This is where I post my thoughts on Health. I view “health” a lot differently than I use to, and I have a passion to share what I believe is, “Real Health”.

“Health is Physical, Mental and Spiritual.”

While the physical health is crucial (exercising our bodies, eating real foods…) Our spiritual and our mental health are just as of equal importance, and need just as much focus and attention as our physical health.

“Living in the world, not of the world.”

What does this mean?

The world’s focus is Image. Appearances. Bodies. Becoming physically fit is, “of greatest importance.” While our Physical Health is important, we can be physically fit, without centering our life on our image and the appearance of our body.

One afternoon, I was in the library studying while listening to classical hymns on my headphones. Next thing I know I’m crying as I reflect..

Classical hymns can be dangerous! Ha ha, just kidding. But this unexpected feeling, was indescribable. All a sudden I was submersed in this overwhelming feeling of warmth and gratitude. I texted Jake, trying to share my gratitude, and explaining how I felt so undeserving of this joy and this love… this peace. I tried to describe it in my journal that night, but I couldn’t. I was just overcome with gratitude for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, my faith, my husband and for my Heavenly Father.

That night I got this idea, I told Jake how I wanted to start living, “the missionary schedule.” I wanted to wake up at 6:30 am. Exercise for 30 minutes. Read scriptures for an hour. Share the gospel with everyone I see. And be in bed by 10:00. I shared this with Heavenly Father too. I wanted to be a missionary. I wanted to share the Gospel again!

Although, the idea seemed great in the moment, my school schedule made this “missionary schedule” rather impossible! But the beautiful thing is, Heavenly Father still answered the desire of my heart….. which was to share the gospel. Give this gift…

I know that God hears us. He knows the desires of our hearts. I believe that. I believe he will answer the true desire of our hearts.. always.

Sabrina reached out to me over a year ago on Instagram. We chatted back and forth here and there. One night when Jake was out of town I couldn’t sleep, (nothing new) ….

I hopped onto Instagram and started chatting with Sabrina. Next thing I know, we started talking about life. (With her permission to share….)

“I was at the end of my ropes. I was in Barnes and Noble and I was praying to God for some sign. Something that would tell me I was meant to still be here. So I got the impression in Barnes and Noble to start my Instagram account back up. I didn’t want to, but I got on, feeling worthless. I looked at dieting stuff and thought, ‘I’ll never looked like them, I’ve tried before and its never worked.’ I always felt like a burden and no good to anyone. What’s the point? All a sudden there was your account. I started following you and things just made sense. So I messaged you and the rest was history. I know God put you on my path for a reason. You literally saved my life.”

I felt “flattered” for a brief second, then confused. “but what did I do? What reason would Heavenly Father send Sabrina to me?”

This was when I realized that, “I” was not the reason.. Sabrina’s life wasn’t saved that night so she could meet “me.” I heard something tell me, “share the gospel.” It was immediate and clear. So I did.

“Hey, have you heard of ‘Mormon’s’ before?”

I thought, why not just get to it. We DM’d back and forth on Instagram for hours and hours that weekend. (*It was meant to be that Jake was out of town.) Gods timing is perfect.

It’s not uncommon for someone to have heard, or read misleading information on “mormon’s.” I cleared the air, and explained how we aren’t necessarily, “Mormons.” It’s a catchy, nickname the world easily identifies us with. We are first, and foremost Christians. We follow Christ, and this is what our religion is centered on, Jesus Christ.

We started talking about God, faith, and life.

She was asking good questions, and learning quickly. She had a desire to have God more in her life. He knows the desires of hearts.

I called and found the missionaries in the California area. They met with Sabrina the next day. (What great, obedient missionaries they must be!) The Elders gave Sabrina a copy of, The Book of Mormon.

She read all the way to Alma that first week! Her thirst for knowledge, and excitement for the scriptures was inspiring to both Jake and I.

She was taking her Book of Mormon to work, and sharing it with all her friends and family, letting everyone know, “I’m going to be a Mormon.”  She was finding God.. and it was the most beautiful thing to witness…

The second lesson, the missionaries asked her if she wanted to, “follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized.”

She agreed! They made a baptismal date for today! Friday March 30..

Sabrina got baptized tonight 🙂

I wish more than anything I could be there, but I couldn’t find flights, and get work and school off at the rate of her testimony take off! So I’m not complaining about that. 🙂  I got to FaceTime in on the baptism, so thank goodness for Technology!

I am so proud of her, and I am so grateful. I testify of the reality of God. He is in the details of our lives. My heart is just full. BEYOND full. “My cup filleth over…” And that is undeniable.. No one can deny true Joy. “I know a peace I’ve never known…”

Throughout this experience, I would forward her excitement and testimony to my family. My mom sent me a text, “tell Sabrina her testimony is strengthening mine…” The whole month of March I felt like I was on my mission again. It was incredible..

When we share. We strengthen.

My heart melts reflecting on this past month of March. It was truly a blessing for us to be a part of Sabrina’s “Spiritual Journey.” Joining in on lessons over FaceTime with the missionaries. Hearing about her experience of first stepping inside the church building, receiving answers to specific prayers and mostly, her spiritual experiences she was having while reading, The Book of Mormon for the first time.

She testified of her love for Nephi’s  and his courage, the scriptures, and Jesus Christ… Everything. Watching her faith grow… I was reminded of the purpose of life. I was reminded of how grateful I really am to have a place to go every Sunday. Truth I’ve grown up with.

I am grateful and humbled to belong to, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

It’s a church with structure, set up for us to learn, gain knowledge, and become what our Heavenly Father sees what we can become.

We all have so much great potential within, and I believe that its through becoming “spiritually fit” that we find that great potential.

I know that Heavenly Father is aware of all of his children here on earth. He is aware. He is involved in the details of our lives. He knows the true desires of our hearts.

I will never forget this experience….. Who would ever of thought I’d actually say that I am grateful for Instagram?! Ha! It made a stranger a close friend.

I consider the Gospel a gift. I truly feel undeserving of it at times, but then I am reminded that it is a gift that is meant to be shared.

What a beautiful weekend. Baptisms, General Conference, and Easter. I’m in tears!! (insert bawling face emoji here- Sabrina don’t laugh!) I just want to tell you all from the bottom of my heart that there is a God, he is loving and he is close. We are all brothers and sisters on this journey of life together. Life & mortality is controlled by time. But our spirits are infinite.  I better end this because I could go on an on, and I have, and I’ll keep repeating myself.

Hope you feel so much warmth and love this beautiful Easter weekend!