Intuitive Eating While Pregnant

Hello there! I thought I would just do a little update about what Intuitive Eating has looked like for me while pregnant.

I am currently 7 months pregnant. (WHAT!?)

First things first, I am so grateful I went into this pregnancy when I did, with the mentality I’ve had, and the relationship with food I’ve built, thanks to Intuitive Eating.

They break up your pregnancy into the “1st” “2nd” and “3rd” trimester for a reason! Each trimester was completely different for me, so I’ll break down each one.


First 6 weeks, I felt great. I was doing BBG, HIIT, STRENGTH TRAINING, intense workouts. I remember sharing the surprise with my mom, she said, “Are you feeling sick yet?” I said, “No! I think I’m one of the lucky ones!!” Literally… the next day… while doing a workout with my sister… suddenly, I. could. not. breath!!! I was huffing, unable to talk, out of breath, doing simple step ups – without weights!!

Needless to say, that day was the beginning of my, “7 Hell Weeks.” I was very nauseas. I had extreme food aversions. I could not eat anything. I was absolutely miserable. I bought the nausea wrist bands, EVERYTHING ginger and lemon… I did it all. Nothing worked! I lost about 10 lbs… all my muscle I worked so hard for – gone.

Thanks to COVID-19, I was able to just sleep and lay in bed all day everyday because my work. Jake was able to help out a TON (aka: grab walmart pickups for the random food cravings) due to his school being cancelled.

Anywho- that/s what my first trimester looked like, ugly.

I just kept telling myself “listen to your body.” My body was not wanting food, and as hard as that was (I was feeling worried that I wasn’t “getting enough nutrients”) my doctor would remind me, that the baby is so dang small, it really doesn’t need all that much food at all. She told me if all I can do is nibble on crackers, cereal, or bread all day, that is enough. Right now is survival mode, and the little “poppyseed spec” doesn’t need all the nutrients until later in the pregnancy. So that’s just what I did. I also continued taking my prenatal. Somehow (?) I made it out alive!!


They call this the “Golden trimester” for a reason!! I was able to start exercising again! That made ALL the difference. Moving my body to feel good, doing what I CAN to get those endorphins going, my heart pumping, was so exciting.

I went from intense HIIT workouts 6 days a week pre- pregnancy, to 30 minute walks, 3-5x’s a week. Weights were out of the question. I did what I could and that was enough. What an awesome mentality to have, right?!

Lets all have and keep this mentality. “Do what you CAN – that is enough.”

Food – I was still having some food aversions, but slowly getting my appetite back and that was joyous. McDonald’s burger and fries? Yes please.


Here we are now! I am now unable to exercise like I was in the second trimester, but boy am I able to EAT. Finally! I have missed food! However, my stomach is smaller and squished… so while I finally have an appetite, I get so full so fast! C’mon! Ha ha 😉


Intuitive Eating is all about, “anti diet.” I have spent many years, eating whatever, not worrying about macronutrient contents so much. However, I am at a point now where I need to pay more attention for physical reasons. My gallbladder has been acting up, and all I can do right now is eat low fat. Surprisingly- I feel 10000x’s better! My body functions incredible on this type of diet.

I am not counting my fat intake, however, I am conscious about making sure I have as little fat as possible. This has helped me immensely feel physically better.

I’ve realized its totally possible to eat in a way that you physically feel great, while also intuitive eating. If there is a certain diet that makes you feel physically better, apply that diet while applying intuitive eating.

Q: “What about Binge eating? Doesn’t “dieting” lead to binge eating?”

There are a lot of things that “lead” to binge eating. Food isn’t one of them. Its your relationship with food that is the concern. One main factor that leads to binge eating is guilt. Feeling guilty about your body size, guilty about food, guilty about your diet, guilty for over eating. When you cancel the guilt you can very easily cancel the binge eating.


My body image is at an all time high. I have never loved my body more. I have never “cared less” about what my body looks like. I have already experienced a 30 lb weight gain before I was pregnant, and so I know how to lose unnecessary weight & get back in shape. I’m not worried. I am trying to live as fully in the moment as possible while pregnant. My body right now is a daily reminder to me of what’s most important in life and what life is truly all about- *hint* it’s not all about looking like a model, its not losing weight, its not about having a smaller appearance.

Intuitive Eating has made me focus on my health, babies health, mental health and focus 0 on my appearance. I hope everyone can have this outlook while pregnant! (Also while not pregnant!)

Hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed a little update!
